Friday, June 16, 2006

Can't sleep

So I thought I'd post a lil something for today. I don't really have any idea about what though. I keep wanting to send an e-mail to someone, but I don't think it'd do any good. So that's what's been holding me off on doing that. But that's just me with my silly girl problem. Well, at least I'm not trying to hit anything that moves like some people I know. In the mean time I just fine my self reading news on mostly just tech junk. Gotta keep up with the times dude.

well I guess I should try going to sleep again.....blah, at least it's gonna be Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'girl problem'? ahh that ONE again!

I wish you'd see your real worth Joshua!

You're an awesome guy!!!

Hope you finally got some sleep.



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