So I was looking through my friends list on I only have 35 "friends" on it. Are they really my friends? There are 5 or 6 people I could delete and not really think twice about it. If I delete them would that make them my unfriend? Friends should call you back, friends should reply, you shouldn't get in a pissy mood cause you know someone checked your message...They are just too good to reply back (I bet ya can't guess who did that). So what does it take to be a friend? Well, I guess I could leave the people that I knew from high school. I could also leave the people that I've met outside of Its the random adds that, well I've already deleted for the most part.
At the same time I don't want to be an asshole and delete people or not call them back. Fuck, so there are a few people who I haven't really replied to. So maybe I'm just pissed at people who don't want to reply to me and not the other way around. Hell, I got family that are on and I don't even have them on my list. Maybe that's cause most of them are 5 years younger, 10 years older, or live someplace where I don't even know. Eh, I'm not a big family kind of guy anyways. Just like I'm not a friend for the masses. I just want a few good family members and a few close friends.
So if you can make it on my friends list and stay. More power to you! :)
Today's NYT Mini Crossword Answers for Sunday, Feb. 23
Here are the answers for The New York Times Mini Crossword for Feb. 23.
3 hours ago
Wow I guess will have to hold tight to my place on your friend list.....
well you commented here, so that gives you one "get out of jail free" card. ;)
whew....good cause I was really starting to sweat there for a minute...or maybe cause its really FREAKIN hot outside...
or maybe it's just you that's hawt!
(now there's a freakin' sweet line ;) )
(runs to check myspace)
okay, im safe
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