Wednesday, June 14, 2006

So I was looking around today

And that was when I found this blog. Well I found it from a link from someone elses blog.

Her latest post relates the problem of being homeless, drug addicted, and getting help. It is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation; a certain catch-22 of sorts
I think it'd be worth your time to take a look at it. Well if you got some free time that is. ;)


Bardouble29 said...

Wow, the depths this person goes to, takes my breathe away. I can sympathize with their desperation as I have been in similiar situations (non drug related) but the sheer vulnerability with which they bare their very soul is phenominal. WOW. Thanks for sharing that with your friends.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I wasn't going to check it out because I figured it would bring me down more but then I read your friends ^^^ reply and I have to. Thanks!


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