Wednesday, June 07, 2006

what to do

well first off I'm going to get something to eat. It's been about 10 hours since I've had 3 tacos. so Yeah, I need food like now.

well anyways, yesterday I sent an e-mail to this chicka that I haven't talked to in awhile. Well, more so hasn't talked to me. Well, I was driving home and thought to my self that I'd just come out and ask her: "Just what was the reason that we don't talk any more?". I didn't think I'd get a reply back from her, but I did.

So here I am thinking of how I should reply to this. Should I go, "well that's fuck off bitch!" I'm thinking no. That's just not my style. Deep down inside I know life happens and that we all have a different way of dealing with it. So, I'm gonna reply maybe tomorrow maybe tonight after I post this. Who knows.
so maybe I'll just post this then work on a reply.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well hmmm... I hope she doesn't read your blog.




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