Tuesday, October 31, 2006
bachelor pad
Just wanted to show this to y'all.
Posted by
11:47 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Bored
Happy Halloween!!!
Yeah, it's the big H day today. It is also the one year mark for me working where I work. WooHoo. It doesn't mean a whole lot. I still got 3 more months till I get paid time off and what-not. What would I do with the whole 5 paid days off, heck I don't know what to do with my self. It's just nice working at one place for awhile, get to know how things work. At the same time I'm not going to make a living out of this job.
Good news though, my back is feeling a little better. It's still as tight as can be, but I guess I'll live. Got my cat on my lap / arm as I type this. It's all good, though it could always be better.
Posted by
8:56 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Monday, October 30, 2006
I am sooooooo tired
I bet my spelling is going to suck on this one. Fingers just ain't working right. Or are they? My eyeballs even hurt, but here I am typing away. It's not because I want pity or anything. I guess I just like blogging. It's my way to vent to the world, but there seems so times that I can't, or don't want to, vent to people.
Well, I did have fun at hobbs grove. it was good stuff. Got home around 11:30. Yeah, that was about 90 miles of driving. We didn't leave till 7:00. I think I'm going to finish my Pepsi, put my clothes in the dryer, then see about getting some sleep.
Posted by
8:52 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Hobbs Grove
yeah, I'm going tonight. Just me and a friend, ain't nothing wrong with that. I also got most of the tile floor done. all that is left is to grout it. Then I'll be all done and it only took me about six weeks. But I was only working on it on the weekends. But now I need to try to get some of this thin-set off of my hands, fingers, and arms.
More on this sometime later.
Posted by
7:55 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
I asked her part II
So I asked her out to lunch, well a late lunch. Just something simple. yeah, she didn't have time. I just know y'all wanted to know the outcome of it. I still got my bowling ticket though. But that'll wait a lil.
Posted by
12:24 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The worst day in my life.
Ok well not mine. I've had that. Hell, I could tell you the three worst days in my life. I could only hope I don't see any of those again. What got me thinking about this was a friend (she said we aren't friends...so I guess we'll use) co-worker said today. That today was the worst day of her life. Work was a lil crappy for her and I guess she wasn't feeling good. It got me thinking, if this is as bad as it's been for her. Well then she has it good. I also started reading some old blogs tonight. That can just give you an idea how bad life can be. If you're wondering, none of the three days that I'm thinking about are in there.
Me on the other hand. I'm starting to get ahold of my life again. For the most part all is going well. Though I think I'm going to be in some more meetings tomorrow. And no I haven't started looking for a new job.
Posted by
11:10 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Work
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I almost quit today
Now it goes a lil something like this. Apartment chick, Then to Mr. Head (or X for short) where he look at it and then gives it to me. And ask me if I could do it on that day.
Work is already slow. I'm not even going to get into the meetings that I had today. Or the one I'm going to have tomorrow. so work is slow, I had a talking to, and they are wasting time making a new... A NEW...spot for this guy. The way I see it is a little something like this. If he is going to do the paper work, since that seems all he is good for, then he is doing ALL of my paper work. That means the cut-pick tickets, installer sup-contracts, and turning it all in when I get back. And Fuck if I'm going to be the one teaching him my paper work. He, already couldn't hook up his own computer for his NEW desk. He spends most of the time in the field anyways, what the fuck does he need a desk for? So, if he is out do I not get my paper work?
Fuck it!.
Posted by
7:53 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Work
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
So I asked her.
She said no.
Fuck how does this happen to me. The same weekend I plan to ask a chica out to dinner I also get asked to a Halloween party from a friend on mine. Then she (yup a she) had to go and ask why. Well fuck if I wasn't stupid and told her. Even though we are just friends. Though I think she wants me more than I want her. Anyways. Whatever. At least I was honest, what ever that means anymore. Why couldn't I just have said "nope sorry, I got other plans." Eh, whatever. blah.
Oh well, I didn't want to make her the back up plan. Guess, I should at least call one of my other friends back. Well we are all cool still, so it's all good.
So, since this happened I have gotten a call from another good friend of mine. And She, and some of her friends from school, are going out this weekend. Holy cow, another thing do try to do this weekend. So, I told her to make it Friday and all would be good. If it is on Saturday...well that's a maybe. Depends what the chica says.
oh yeah, back to her. Yeah, I was talking to a different friend. Damn, sounds like I got a lot of friends and so far all these are girls. Hum. So do to peer pressure. I think, almost sure, I'm going to ask her to dinner Saturday night. Everyone likes dinner, right? So, I guess that leaves me with two questions left to answer. How to do it and what if she says no.
Posted by
8:46 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Random Thoughts
Monday, October 23, 2006
Cup holders!
So this weekend as some of y'all know. Well, anyone who reads my blog knows. I went boat racing again this weekend. I ended up driving down his golf cart. Well that's cool and all, saved on my gas. When I got down there I had a beer...one or two. Then we unloaded the golf cart. We untied it, and I drove it off the the trailer. While doing this I was text messaging a friend of mine. The first one went something like this, "Beer and golf carts are fun." Then before I even got a reply I sent, "and it has cup holders!" There are only a few people that would be able to understand what I was feeling just from a text message. And she was one of them. Good times for sure.
Well we ended up getting second in the race and for the season points too. So that's nice, but I don't get a jacket out of it. I was told that if he came in first then I'd get a jacket too. Oh well, there's always next season.
and I'm sure I'll blog more later.
Posted by
11:03 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Boat racing
Friday, October 20, 2006
The end of the day sucks
I had a good day at work. hell, you could almost call it a really good day at work. And this blog is so going to cut into my sleep. I still need to pack and relax. I guess that's what I'm doing right now. So after this blog I really need to start packing. After work though, almost nothing worked out for me.
I got a call at lunch time to help my Grammy out get a new TV (or two). Ok fine, it's and extra 45 miles (or more) of driving for me. But it's my Grammy, so I gotta do it. I did plan on coming right home and working on the tile floor some (yeah, it's still not done. But holy cow I need some me time too). So I drove my 14 mpg El Camino down to my Gramama's. Turned it off. Then thought that I should move it some so I can set my bed cover off to the side and out of the way. Put the key back in. Turned the key. I got one click and then nothing. Last time I checked a big block Chevy (BBC) doesn't sound like nothing. Those that work with me might have heard it a time or two. Anyways. I turned the key again, this time I only got nothing. Well, holy fuck something is wrong. Something electrical is wrong. That just happens to be the area where I don't know much about. Only that it hurts if you get zapped. That and - is black and + is red.
So I thought that something might just be hot. I'd let it sit with the hood open for a good 15-20 min and it should cool off. After that time, it was still a no go in the starting department. Humm. I played with the cables some...nada. Heck I didn't even have a working dome light. So, I didn't (and still don't) think it's the battery. I'm going to buy some new cables for it I guess sometime next week. Seeing as I'm going to the boat races this weekend.
Right now I am driving my grandmama's car. That's all good and everything. I just have to have it back to her by 7am. Well....fuck. If I want to get to work on time I'm going to have to leave here a lil after 5am. That's a good 45-50 min drive south. After I do that I then have to make sure I get everything I need put into my car. Then drive another 35 min or so back north. That's about 90 miles of driving before 7am. That fucking sucks. But I have to do it. I think I'm just going to be a little late to work. An hour wont kill me or anyone. It's slow anyways.
Posted by
12:22 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
Monday, October 16, 2006
And now
I want to go out drinking. Stupid only having one beer to drink. Now I just want more. Hell, one maybe two more I'd be good to go to sleep. But nooooo.
Posted by
10:34 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Random Thoughts
Boobies....I don't know why
Hum. This is getting kind of boring. Coming home, playing some games on the computer. Damn, I am staring to want a nice lil RC truck, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. hum wonder why I get down like this every so often. Oh yeah, that's right I know why. 'Cause I think I stuff that I don't have but want. Eh, oh well. I'll get over it. And I'll start by using bad English and broken sentences. Yes! Yeah, I think I'm going to just jam this all together. Hell, as long as I know what I'm typing, that's all that matters to me. I wonder how long I can go on like this.
ok, so not very long. I wonder if I still have clothes in the dryer...brb. Well what do ya know, I did it all last night. I just want to have fun with my El Camino. Dang, I don't really have anything to bitch about. It's not like my life is bad or anything like that. Guess I should let the dog back in the 'rents house. I'm all for going to a bar or something, tossing a few back here and there. It's that whole driving back thing that sucks. It was nice in the Air Force. Had a thing called AADD, where you'd be able to get a ride home. Wouldn't it be nice if I lived just 2.64 (I think it's .64) miles from work. A tank of gas would last me a month. Well give or take. I do like how I can just go on and on in my blogs. blah blah blah. I'm off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.
Posted by
9:03 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Bored
Open Season
Posted by
1:15 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Busy weekend
I've been busy working on the floor this weekend. It sucks that we ended up being short on tile. My dad thinks that someone must have taken a box of tile. Why would anyone walk off with a 41 pound box of tile? That's only 11 tiles, what on earth are you going to do with that? Maybe sell it for a dime bag of backing soda or something. Well, what ever the reason...there was no point in doing anymore tile work. I ended up going to home de pot again and got two more bags of the self leveling concrete. It should be nice and smooth when I start putting the tile down again. I'm still cleaning up the mess some what. Putting tools away all that good stuff. I even went out and got me a new drill, it's not that good of one. Just a cheap Black & Decker drill. But if I can at least get my money out of it, then I'll be happy. I'm not to the point where I could buy nice tools yet. Even if I do want to. I guess that's part of the fun of being poor.
I wont be able to work on the floor next weekend at all. I'm going to help a buddy out with the boat races. The last one of the season. I'll try and take more pictures of the races. Oh, I also got to wash clothes and clean out my car. Maybe I'll just put the junk in the trunk :P
Posted by
5:23 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Team America...Fuck yeah!
I went to sleep early last night, around 9:30. I didn't even finish watching Team America. I guess I could do that tonight. Damn I'm typing this slow. I guess I always do. I just need to sit back and zone out while typing this, rocking out to...who knows what, and drinking a nice kinda cold MGD. Well at least I'll get a good night sleep. That is until my alarm goes off. I think I'm going to set it for 8am. That way I can get more work done.
Other than that, there hasn't been much going on. Other than me not asking that one girly girl out. Maybe I'll see if she wants to check out hobbs grove. I worked there before, now that was fun. Eh, who knows. blahblah blah.
Posted by
10:54 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
All wrapped up
Posted by
10:46 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
If people knew who I am
Posted by
10:25 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
Monday, October 09, 2006
Ok I'm bored.
Posted by
11:00 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Bored
Just blah
Posted by
9:42 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Random Thoughts
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Got a lot done
- Went to a Mopar Car Show
- Got my oil changed
- washed clothes
- worked on the floor some more
So all-n-all it was a good day. Ah, it's been a good weekend. Went to see a buddy of mine that was in town. That's why I didn't get back home till 3am last night. He was in no shape to drive, so I took him to his casa. It was only about 50 miles out of the way ;) what a nice guy I am. I thought that I might just stay the night at my grandmama's house, but nope. I ended up driving all the way back up here. So at some point in time someone better pick up my drunk ass and take me home.
Posted by
11:03 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
It's klinda late
so it's after 4am. I didn't get back home till sometime around 3:30am. Had a beer and now I'm off to sleep.
Just thought I'd let y'all know.
Posted by
6:23 AM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Friday, October 06, 2006
Why is it so hard to ask a question?
Posted by
10:46 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Leg part II
Posted by
11:12 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Next post is going to be my mommy's leg :P
Posted by
11:08 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
The Incredibles

Posted by
10:47 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Why am I so tired?
Posted by
10:18 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Labels: Just me
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Yeah I did it....so what
Posted by
11:05 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Rocky Road ice cream
Posted by
12:22 AM
Tasty Adult Beverages
and even more demo
The plan is to be all done with it next weekend. I'll be sure to take more pictures of what I'm doing. I am going to be installing ceramic tile. Even need to make some round cuts in tile, and for those that don't know that is a bitch to do.
Good luck to me.
Posted by
12:11 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Sunday, October 01, 2006
The story keeps on keeping on
Posted by
5:53 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages