Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Yeah I did it....so what

I left class early. There's a few reasons why I did such a thing. I was tired, the room was nice and warm, and I had a 30 min drive home. So I didn't see any point to me falling asleep in a class that I'm really not even taking. Just to fall asleep on the way home. So that brings me to the point...why am I still going to that class? The plan is to learn something, or why things are done the way they are in the lower math classes.
Dang is it soemthing in the water or what? why does it seem like all my out side of work friends are just in a mood today. I already had one friend hang up on my. It's kind of hard to help someone out that doesn't want help from you (me), so I ended up pissing her off (I guess) and she in turn hung up on me.
Why the hell am I drinking a Monster Energy drink at 9pm....geez I'm dumb.
Oh well. 'Ta hell with spell check! I do what I want.


Bardouble29 said...

I am not pissed at you and i won't hang up on you.

Joshua said...

I know you wouldn't


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