Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I almost quit today

Work is getting insane. Well, fucking dumb is more like it. I got a bunch that I want to say about this. I just don't know how I'm going to get it all in to here.

My big problem right now. Is this guy, I'm going to call him a Mr. Potato Head. The reason is this, I think a Mr Potato Head doll could do his job just as well. My work used to come right from the apartment chick to me. Any questions she'd ask me. Then I'd go out and do the job the next day or so.

Now it goes a lil something like this. Apartment chick, Then to Mr. Head (or X for short) where he look at it and then gives it to me. And ask me if I could do it on that day.

Work is already slow. I'm not even going to get into the meetings that I had today. Or the one I'm going to have tomorrow. so work is slow, I had a talking to, and they are wasting time making a new... A for this guy. The way I see it is a little something like this. If he is going to do the paper work, since that seems all he is good for, then he is doing ALL of my paper work. That means the cut-pick tickets, installer sup-contracts, and turning it all in when I get back. And Fuck if I'm going to be the one teaching him my paper work. He, already couldn't hook up his own computer for his NEW desk. He spends most of the time in the field anyways, what the fuck does he need a desk for? So, if he is out do I not get my paper work?

Oh, but he's a funny guy and we all like him. It's slow let him go. But we don't want to give the boss the idea of doing that. Hell he should already have the idea. It's been slow for me the past 2 or 3 months. I'm not going to spend 30 hours a week being a janitor. I even told the bosses that in my little meeting today. I want to work. I like my job. Not my fucking fault I only got 2 hours of work a day. I couldn't take three fucking hours off a week for my schooling. So I get to spend more time sweeping leaves up. But zOMG if I talk to the girls inside.

If work isn't fun anymore....

What started this mess was one guy..."X"
(2nd time I'm typing this)

It all started when the SAIA truck pulled up around 4:45 this afternoon. The warehouse guy unloaded the pallet. I cut the packing slip off of the pallet and was heading to make copies and give them to the apartment chick. Then this happened:
He said "Is that the packing slip?"
"yeah" (I thought of saying, "Yeah, what's it to you?")
"Can I take those?"
"yeah, I guess..."
Then he took them and off he went to his desk. Where he made a call. I think he called (I'll call him) Bay. 'Cause he has no clue what to do with the packing slips.

Fuck it!.


Bardouble29 said...

wow, nothing like layers upon layers of bosses. Especially ones that do not really understand what they are doing.

Joshua said...

yeah. There are more bosses than workers. I'm sure of it.

As you can see it's getting stupid.

Joshua said...

Yeah it took me a few min. to see what you were talking about.

Gotta love waking up at 5am.


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