Thursday, July 20, 2006

Where to start?

I could take this two different ways.

1) I had dinner with a girl :P (I just like saying that, it makes everyone go: "ohhhhhhhh wha happened")

2) This Chicka that I've kinda been talkin to.

I think I've talked about silly girls enough. Even though I did have dinner with a silly girl ;) Over all dinner was great. I got some time to talk to a friend in need. I just hope that I helped in some way. I'm sure she'll do what she needs to. ...OMG look at me, I'm blogging about someone else
that's freaking insane
OMG I'm typing way to fast right now. I wonder how many typos I'm gonna have. Ha! just fixed two.

Then there's this girl. Wish in one hand and shit / spit/ anything else in the other hand. See witch one fills up first. I'm not even going to waste my time wishing something that most likey never will happen. Though there is a part of me that hopes something does. I mean, she is talking to me again / again. I can make her laugh, that's always a good thing. I like being able to do that to people. Just to get a smile on their face.

ok, off to nighty night land.


Bardouble29 said...

Hey thanks as always...I am NOT a silly girl.!!! Dorky maybe...

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad you haven't put your heart on a platter yet.
Bitter taste of that gone-wrong is hard to swallow.
Mucho Wuv Chuck!

ps> You always put a smile on my face. :D

Anonymous said...

-Bre said
I'm just glad you haven't put your heart on a platter yet.
Bitter taste of that gone-wrong is hard to swallow.

Well Chuck, if you ever plan on finding that significant other you're going to have to learn how to choke-down that bitter taste. You can't be concerned with relationships gone bad. If you do...they will all go bad.

Remember, first and foremost...a relationship is about giving.

"For it is in giving that we receive."--St. Francis Of Assisi

Giving your heart on a platter is necessary at some point to find the "right" relationship. If the giving can't be reciprocated or if it's abused, you know it's time to move on. Will it hurt? Yeah, but as they say...what doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger.

"Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever." Philip Adams

Stop willing to take the risk. If it doesn't work, so be it...gain your confidence in the fact that you're willing to take risks.

"Accept that all of us can be hurt, that all of us can--and surely will at times--fail. I think we should follow a simple rule: if we can take the worst, take the risk." Joyce Brothers

I think your strong enough to handle the worst, now get out there and go for what you want.

Bardouble29 said...

Wow and I thought I wrote you books....

Joshua said...

Well said.

"what doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger." yeah, I have come to hate that line. Though I have used it a time or two.


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