Wednesday, July 12, 2006

There's my cue

Yeah, so it was about 4:30. I'm standing around, just bullshitin' with some of the guys from work. Then she walked by the window. The short cute lil thing. Well her stalker (I still don't know what she thinks, just what I'm calling him) said...."Well there's my cue" Turned around and walked outside behind her.

Now you might be thinking that I'm jealous, well I'm not. I'm just sick of him acting like he's a dog in heat. Hell, he's over 30 years old. I try hard not to be a "typical guy", and what do I got to show for it? Nada....nada mucha. I guess I'm just getting bitter in my semi kinda not really old age. Maybe I just don't know.

Nice guys finish last.....fuck that! I may not be first, but I sure as hell aint last.


Anonymous said...

Maybe she is playing with this dudes mind.
Girls do that too sometimes... I know a lot of them!!!

So shift some of the hate towards her too.

Or hell, don't hate.. cause it's not nice.

Maybe my steam is coming out to play.. yep! Sorry!

Bad Bre Bad Bre

Joshua said...

oh yeah, I'm sure that's part of it.

Anonymous said...

you promised two bloggies

where o where is it


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