Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Voice mail...

Did I talk to voice mail....Yes, I did.

I just hope it doesn't turn in to another story like last time.

Maybe, I'll get a call back. I hope so.


Anonymous said...

This message you speak didn't resemble Jon Favreau's Scene in the movie 'Swingers' did it?

If you know not what I'm talking the movie. That scene is absolutely painful to watch.

Bardouble29 said...

Hey VM is better than nothing at all.

Lady Sage™ said...

So I googled Swingers and the scene spoken of... Didn't get far. Possibly because I am not really good at the whole google thingy or even searching in general. Bah!

Anyone want to explain that one? Ahhh! I have no time to go get a movie... :/


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