I never really been much of a church goer. My mom grew up in the church, my dad didn't. That's not really the reason I don't go. Has more to do with my mommy. She didn't like what they taught her or the way, something like that. So have I ever read The Bible? Nope sure haven't. Do I want to, can't say that I do. So what's the reason of making a blog about church if I don't go or read about it. Hell, I make jokes about burning when I go in...Not that I believe that I would. I even went to my friends conformation. I didn't burn then, and I'd go for her again.
The thing is, I remember one of the ladies reading from the book of Genesis. She was telling the story of the first seven days. I can't help but not believe it. If you were going to create something, out of nothing, why do it over seven days? Why seven days and not 3, 15, 40? The sun goes down and the moon comes up. Maybe it's because I like history, or maybe because it's just the way my mind works. I like stuff that I can understand. That I can picture in my mind the way it was / worked. When I go to church, the times that I have, I pay my respect I just don't think I've gotten anything out of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't believe in God, 'cause well...I don't know, but there's been times that even I've asked for help.
So if I look back will I get turned in to a pillar of salt?
Well anyways, I do have a point to this, so just stay with me. A friend of mine said that they (him and his g/f) would be honored if I'd go to church with them sometime. Made it a point to even say that they have a singles group that meets up. So my lil 40 watt light bulb lit up. I just see going to church in the hope of meeting some chick the wrong reason to go. If I'm not going for me, then why would I go? That's kinda the reason I haven't gone. I see what my brother does, and the way he acts....And I believe he is only going for the girls / friends. So who's more wrong (if you want to look at it that way) the one who doesn't go for the right reason, or the one that goes for the wrong reason?
Maybe I'll just read up on the Book of Joshua.
Thanks for reading, my lil book of a post of my lil book ;)
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8 hours ago
I agree with you, if your not gonna go for yourself, don't go at all.
Hmmm what to say what to say...
As a church goer - and a friend:
We are all humans. Period. We ALL fall short and feel as if we will 'burn' (or alike) when walking in a Church. So, you're not alone there. Even I sometimes miss church because I don't feel like I've been good one week. It's in our mind and put there not by God. Because God wants us to come to him at all time.. esspecially when we have sinned (this is why he died for us). Sinning is in our (humans) nature and I know I will never be perfect (although I try sooooooo hard to be.. i really do). That is my biggest flaw I assume.
The easiest way to understand the bible is to hear a pastor read it. It's true. They have studdied it and understand better than we do. I'd go to a non-denominational (sp) church if you're a first timer. My belief in religion is that it is man-made. People have taken from the bible what they wanted to live by and added to it what they wanted which made differnt religions. If you look deep into it (hey that might take up some of your time ;) you will find that almost every religion believes that God made the Heavens and the Earth, Jesus died on a cross, and many other things. They have just simply made thier -own- way of living by faith by adding unto the bible. A non-denominational church has no religion. It is all about Relationship - with Christ - whom died for us to live as we are (the sinners) and still have a ticket into Heaven. The only thing we follow is the word... The Bible.
If you aren't a get-out-there-and-go type... simply go to any book store and purchase a bible. I read from the NIV (new international version). There are many types but they all say the same thing... just some are easier to read. If you pick one up.. don't read from the beginning!!! I know that sounds funny but hey, if you want to get bored.. go right ahead.. just telling the truth. You will get confused and bored. Read from the New Testament instead. Start at the beginning and read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Psalms is a good one to read next. Then jump around as you'd like until you understand more.
Sorry for boring you...
What do you think people originally go to church for? I mean, church goers are not born and then go... something has to give them the push and want to go.
Don't think for one second that God doesn't work in mysterious ways!!! People go to church for themselves! No matter what thier own reasons are.. it all comes down to going for themselves.
Heck! If you go for a certain reason.. who says you wont get that and more... and what are you loosing out of it?
Just a thought.
Much Wub as Always!
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