Monday, April 10, 2006

And more yard work

Holy cow I'm tired. So I worked 9 hours. Something that I do 3 days a week, then I came home and did about 1.5 to two hours of yard work. Just been doing a bunch of weed wacking. LoL @ wacking!! blah. So yeah.

Other than that, I've been playing around with my myspace account some. Changed the colors and all that good stuff. Hell, I even blogged over there. Well it was stuff about myspace. There's not much point about blogging about myspace stuff here. Not like anyone would see it here that will then go to my myspace account. *idea* put a link to my myspace account here in the links section. I might just have to go and do that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this be names MYSPACE?



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