Sunday, October 23, 2005

So bored.

I don't even have any idea what to blog about tonight, none at all. I am still hungery, and I think I've been eating all day. humm....maybe I have a tapeworm. You never know with those things. Ok, tapeworm aside, I think I should rename this to my "I'm just killing time and don't have anything better to do then to make a new post on my very own blog" blog. Ha say that ten times realy super duper fast.

lol, yeah I'm an idiot. Or something. Ok so I was googling stuff for the hell of it. and I just so happened to be googling, I bet you'll never guess...." leper colony" don't ask me why. I could tell you, but it's more fun to make you wonder.

I went to the movies with my mommie today, yeah it was good times. To bad the movies suckzored. We watched DoooooooM. yeah just a bad movie. so yeah. humm what else

yeah I don't have anything.


Anonymous said...

OMG! leper colony???


Well why you are at that... who knows why.. look up the epidemic on bird flu in britin... tell me if Px is in danger.. poor brit man. oh well, :P -Bre

Anonymous said...

I'm only in danger if I eat birds... and they taste foul, so I won't.

(see what I did there?) :p

The Brit


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