Friday, October 21, 2005

Broken no more...almost

So I went to the doc thursday afternoon. 'Cause I broked my wrist about 2 months ago. Well, all is looking good. He told me I could keep the splint off....woohoo.

But now when I try to use my hand like a normal healthy hand...holy cow does it hurt. But at I can start to move it again.

I started running again today. So go me =) it sucked after taking a two month break, but at least I'm doing it. Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on in my life. I guess that's a good thing, I don't know.

Till I blog again...


Anonymous said...

Im proud that you are running chuck. Shows you have determination. (spell?) Also happy to hear youre hurting - I mean your wrist is getting better. :) Huggs! -Bre

Joshua said...

yeah, I rock...sometimes


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