Sunday, October 30, 2005

I got a Jay-Oh-bee

Yeah, like the title says I got a job...woohoo.

It all started with a phone call Friday morning. I got the call around 10:30am, I thought it was just my alarm going off (yes, I was still asleep). So, the call ends up going to my voice mail, and I checked it a few min. Later.

The call ended up coming from a temp agency in the other town, asking me if I was still looking for work. I was. He asked if I had a resume I could get him. I did. I e-mailed the resume about 10 minutes later, then about 10 minutes after that he called me back. He set me up with an interview at 2pm, so I had just over 3 hours to get there and be ready.

The place is about 35miles away, thankfully it's 90% freeway. Good thing I left early, 'cause it wasn't the easiest place to find. Well, it's really easy to get there now that I know where it is.

The interview went really good. I dress for an interview. If I was a chick I would've wanted to do me ;) . I answered all the questions he had about me very well. I said I was great working as a part of a team, great working by my self, took pride in my work and my ability to do good work.

I ended up forgetting my cell phone here at home, go me. It took me about 30 min to get home, and I just missed the phone call from the temp guy calling me back to tell me how it went. When I got to talk to him on the phone he told me I had the job.


I start Monday at 7. Right now they do on avg. 47 hours a week, not to bad. I am also doing about 10 hours of school a week. All-in-all that's almost 60 hows a week, hell if you add in driving time it's over. That's insane for me. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll have to leave the house around 5:15am, get to work about 5:45am, work till 4:00pm, class at 6:00pm (not enough time to come home before class), out of class about 10:45pm, and I get home around 11pm. That makes for one really long day. Then to start all over the next morning at 6am. Yeah, this should be fun. Though, if I work this out right and I like the job. I should be able to get a nice full time job out of it. They only got about 35 people working out in the field, so it should be good.

I'm sure I'll let all of y'all know how it works out.


Anonymous said...

Go You Go You.. Bringing out my 9th grade pompoms... go you go you :P -Bre

Joshua said...

pics or it didn't happen ;)


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