Sunday, November 19, 2006

I cant believe how many years it's been since...

Well there's a nice sized list I can put to this. Everything from high school to military to the last time I have been to Disneyland. Damn, ok I can't even remember when the last time I have been to Disneyland. I am more of a magic mountain fan boy myself and it has been years since I have last been there. I got a picture of that someplace around here. It was right after I got back home from Basic training and tech school. Drove down there in my 'Rents Supra. That was a long day. I remember being tired on the way back home. It's about a 250 mile drive if I remember right.


Bardouble29 said...

We should all go to Disneyland together. That would be a blast.

Joshua said...

Yeah, that would be fun.


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