Thursday, September 14, 2006

Tonight was a first

I got kicked out of my math test tonight. The teacher said I couldn't take the test. Well I did drop the class, but I think I should still be able to take the test. So I spent the money on the scantron and what-not for nada. Oh well. It wasn't that much money.
Other than that, not a whole lot going on. Had dinner with a good friend of mine. She's moving, aww sad. But I'm sure we will stay in contact. 'Cause I'm cool like that. Boat racing this weekend, damn so I got to make sure I get all my stuff together tonight.
what fun.


Lady Sage™ said...

wow... scantrons are $2.50 at my uni.

Wish I was kicked out from my math test :|

Lady Sage™ said...

I though you dropped that class chuck???


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