Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Peein' on Girls

Well if that doesn't just grab you by the balls and makes you want to read this, I don't know what will.

Well here's the story:

I started working in a new department at work about 2 weeks ago. Well the other guy that I would with, his wife just had a kid (a lil baby girl). So he took 3 days off of work.

Well during this time I went to install some blinds, first time that I've went out to do this. I messed some things up, you ever mess something up, happened to me.

So between me messing up a few things last week, nothing that wasn't an easy fix, and the other guys lil mess up. She went ahead and e-mailed the boss. Totaly going ahead of my superviser. She has never done shit like that before. Maybe she's trying to get the other guy back, or doesn't like me. I am the new guy after all.

What is even better...she's good lookin, well till she turned her hair black. She has a good body, it's just a waste on her personality....or lack there of.

So since I can't hit a girl, that's just not cool. While I was BS'ing with my co-worker. We came up with the idea to just pee on her. And it seemed like a good idea, well still does. Then said it to a few of the other people at work, and well they also agreed that we sould.

So when ever i see her now I just picture her down on her knees getting peeed on. while I'm singing "I pee on you"

ahh what I life I have...


Anonymous said...

That was the bestest blog yet!!!
I almost pee'd a little...

No Pee On Me - Love Ya! -Bre

Joshua said...

And it is ALL true

Anonymous said...

OMG! I almost told the bowling manager 'PEE ON YOU'
Great line!!
Think it'll stick.



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