Saturday, May 13, 2006

What to do

So I thought that I should post a little something again. That way all my readers can stay up to date on the life of Joshua. Well lets see. I got a new car last Thursday. So far all has been good with it.

So I got all this free time and I can't think of anything to do. I got a few computer games I can play. They just seem to get way old way fast.

I got the house to myself, so I could run around naked right now if I wanted to. It's Maybe I'm broken, and I'm going to grow up and be a boring old man. Yeah! That's it. Then I'll have 15 cats. Yeah! Then run, not walk, past my house. They'll talk to each other from behind the tree, "That's the grumpy old man that has 13 cats!" "No, he has 15 cats. I just counted..." Yeah, that's how it'll go down.

Well atleast I was a good son and got my mommy a card and a lil present for mommy's day tomorrow.

I guess I could take some time out of my doing nothing and add some pictures to my flickr site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life of Joshua, eh?

What games you playing these days mr. joshua?


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