Yeah, I know it's been awhile since my last post. I really haven't been that busy. Well, this weekend I was gone more than I was home. I've just been playing City of Heroes for an hour or two after work. Then I got to find time to eat, and sometimes playing and eating overlap so it works out.
I guess I should start with this weekend. Well at least what I can remember.
It all started Friday night. I got off of work late (around 5:20) then went on over to a friends house. Had a lot of vodka to drink (was mixing vanilla vodka w/ Pepsi...Hey it taste just like vanilla Pepsi with a kick). Humm....Had a lot of fun (no, I didn't "get any"). Ended up with a busted lip. Then I went to sleep / passed out just like that. So yeah, that was my Friday night / Saturday morning in a nut shell.
Saturday was a day to recover from our pains from the night before. No, I'm not talking a hang over (didn't really have one) just from a wrestling match from the night before (hint hint: busted lip....Hey! Trust me I wasn't the only one hurting :P ). Later that day I went to a friends wedding. That was cool. The smile on her (and his) face. I'll get to that point in life some day, not in too big of a hurry to get there right now. When I left the wedding I met up with my friends again at logans road house. Where my friends were already having drinks by the time I got there. So I got there a lil late, no biggie.
After that we went back to my friends house, and just chilled for the rest of the night. By the way, there are 4 of us staying over. One of them left, her husband was being dumb and came to pick her up early.
well lets fast forward to Monday. I got a call from another friend of mine asking if I wanted to go to the drive-in (yeah, we still got one) with some of her friends. So yeah I went. I didn't get back till 1:30 am!!! Went to sleep just after 2:00am and my alarm went off just before 5:00am
yeah that's 3 hours of sleep max. Then I worked 10 hours today too. woohoo go me.
Night y'all
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Posted by
12:28 AM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Now if that isn't a hawt title, I don't know what is.
So here's my dilemma:
I need to get my Engineering degree. I just wont make the money I want with out it. So that means that I need to go to school. Sounds simple right. I also need to work to pay bills and some where I need to do home work (that's why I went into the military, well one reason) and have some kind of a life.
It sucks 'cuase I'm past the simple 3 unit night classes. I want to take:
Math 4b Precalculus TTH 6:30-8:20
Engineering 2 Graphics MW 6:00-9:50
so if you add work and night classes together I'd be doing....A hell of a lot. Lets see....47 + 4 + 8 = 59 hours a week. That doesn't even count doing home work (damn math home work). I don't think I could do it. Oh yeah, I also spend just about 4 hours driving to and from work each week. So I'm well in to the mid 60s. Throw in some sleep. Yeah I don't think it'll work out.
So that leave me with 2 real choices:
1) Work less hours (might need to find a new job for that)
2) Go to school less (that means more years of school)
I just don't think I could take just one class a semester. Well maybe this semester. But when I start taking physics, they kinda go hand-in-hand with my math. Just think of the home work when I get to that point.
Maybe I need to find a good lil internship or something.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
That is what I got planned to do this weekend. I haven't even moved my car since I got home Friday night. Hell, most of this weekend I've been in my PJs I even went out and got the mail in them. Ok, so I am going to have to wash some clothes and things like that. I've also been eating ice cream....Good stuff. Oh yeah I was going to get a hair cut, but I don't think I wanna. My hair is kinda bugging me I just don't think anything bad is going to happen if I go another week without a hair cut. It's not like I'm in the military anymore. Hair cuts every other week. blah. And no they were not free. $10 for the basic high and tight hair cut, and that was on base price.
Well I think I should go back to doing my nothing for the weekend.
Posted by
1:55 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I was going to make a thoughtful post about all the people that we've have known over the years. those that we wanted to keep in touch with and those that we just knew of.
But I am way too tired fo something like that.
Well just think about people.
I'm off to never never land...ahem...sleep.
Posted by
11:47 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Been a few days...
Ha..I stole ya title. That's right. Copy...paste. You know who you are.
Well anyways. Humm. I don't even have anything to blog about really. Well, my hair is kinda buggin me right now. My hair is still kinda wet, and I got a fan blowing on me. Humm...."blowing" and "me" in the same sentenince. So, I got half wet hair and half dry hair and it's getting in my face. blah. Well, it sure is better than getting a skin fade kinda hair cut.
ohhh I need ice cream...brb. mmmmm Dryer's Rocky Road is the best ice cream evea. It's in bold, so it's gotta be true. hell, would I lie to my readers....humm....maybe, but not this time,.
humm. Yeah I guess that's it. Wish I didn't have to wake up soooo friggin early tomorrow. Still stuff I feel like doing tonight. Like playing city of heroes.
Peace out homies.
Posted by
12:04 AM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Monday, May 15, 2006
New car
it's not a bad lil daily driver at all.
Posted by
2:39 AM
Tasty Adult Beverages
The really super kinda not tired type of guy
So here I am 12:02 monday morning. I should be sleeping, but look where I'm at. I'm at my desk posting a blog. I even had to clear my chair off to be able to sit here.
humm maybe I'll play some COD2 or City of Heroes.
Posted by
2:12 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Well for the night atleast. I'm not even half way through the pictures from mt. Whitney. Damn he took a lot of pics. I'll get the rest of them up sometime.
Posted by
12:48 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Ok, I don't know why this site (and others) isn't remembering my log in info. I dun like having to log in to this site every time I want to blog soemthing.
Well I am scanning the photos from my Mount Whtney trip. So I'll post more info on that when I'm done.
Then somethime this week I want to try and get my pictures from my trip to Germany up too. Blah more scanning.
Posted by
11:57 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
What to do
So I thought that I should post a little something again. That way all my readers can stay up to date on the life of Joshua. Well lets see. I got a new car last Thursday. So far all has been good with it.
So I got all this free time and I can't think of anything to do. I got a few computer games I can play. They just seem to get way old way fast.
I got the house to myself, so I could run around naked right now if I wanted to. It's Maybe I'm broken, and I'm going to grow up and be a boring old man. Yeah! That's it. Then I'll have 15 cats. Yeah! Then run, not walk, past my house. They'll talk to each other from behind the tree, "That's the grumpy old man that has 13 cats!" "No, he has 15 cats. I just counted..." Yeah, that's how it'll go down.
Well atleast I was a good son and got my mommy a card and a lil present for mommy's day tomorrow.
I guess I could take some time out of my doing nothing and add some pictures to my flickr site.
Posted by
8:14 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Do you flickr?
Posted by
12:21 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Did you know that mistletoe (Phoradendron flavescens or Viscum album) is a parasitic plant that grows on trees, particularly hardwood trees like oak and apple.
Well I think that is what my brother is. He is a fucking virus...mooch...he's something alright. It's also his birthday today. Happy fucking birthday Zachery.
He turns 19 today. Still doesn't have a job. But he does have this little grilly friend that when she says jump....he jumps without thinking twice aboutit. Damn does she has it made. Every time I pay the cellphone bill that fucker owes me $50 more. We got this family plan, like families do. Him, my mommy, and myself. We got 1200 anytime min to use. Well my mom had them set up my brothers phone so he can't make any text messages...just use it as a phone. It wasn't even a pitcure phone, just one of those free jobers. Well he didn't like that fact that he couldn't make text messages. So he went out and got his own fucking phone. Mind you we are in a one, or maybe two, year contract with these three phones.
So my mom is going to pay his cell phone bill again 'cause he sure as hell aint got no money. Going to pay for him to take his lil girlly friend to Magic mountian....$150 That's fucking insane. How can he just ask for sooo much money when he knows he doesn't give ANYTHING back. I just don't under stand.
I try so hard not to be like that. hell, I remember being a broke-ass-no-job high schooler with a lil girly firend my self. Guess how much money I asked from my parents at that time. None, well at least none that I nor my parents can remember. I could count how many times we went to the movies oh one hand I bet. You know what, we were still together for a year or two. So, I told my mom that I wouldn't say anything to my brother about this trip he wants to go on. So I came here and blogged about it so ALL can see what he's like through my eyes.
He'll learn one day. When he's 30 years old working for wal-mart for $9.75 an hour.
Posted by
11:00 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Wash behind your ears!
Just do it!
Ok so I don't know what I'm going to blog about yet. I'm just going with the flow on this one. Just rocking out to....Angels & Airwaves -- The War. It just started. So lets see. I'm feeling better than I did yesterday. Maybe it's 'cause I went to sleep when it was still light out side. Just gotta get 12 hours of sleep. Well more like 9 and a half or ten. Gotta wake up at this ungodly hour. Well anytime you wake up and it's (not its) still dark outside is WAYYYYYYYY too early.
I'd like to take a moment out of this post to thank my readers (all three of them). Well ok I'm sure there are more than 3, but I dunno. Nor do I really care. I guess I do care if I took the time out to say that. humm....kinda makes you think. Or is that makes me think. WoW that's deep.
So one time at band camp...
I wonder who is going to read this whole blog. I bet they stop right about... Well not here... No.....Yeah now. They'll'd (that's short for They will ed, you know past tense) stop here!. Ohh...I need to find a pic. I'll bee right back.
well that's not really the picture that I was looking for, but it will do.
So I'm thinking of joining a gym. So I can get all buffivide. Yeah I think that's a word. I'm sure of it.
well lets see if I can do any more rambling here. HUmm. I'm sure I could if I wanna.
HUmm I'm going to try out this flicker junk for my photos I want to put up. I want to scan all the photos that we have laying around and put them up. So, we'll see how it works out.
Posted by
9:12 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
So tired
This sucks. I don't know where to start. HUmm. Maybe it's my 40 min drive home that sucks. Or it's the price for a one bedroom apartment rent. Maybe it's the amount of gas that I put in my car driving the 35 miles home.
Well low and behold that this Thursday I am getting a new (very used) car one way or another. I also want out of this damn town and in turn move into a town closer to work. Hell, with what I drive now I'd save about $300 / month in gas alone. And I could do it with what I make now, I'd just have no money left over to have fun with. So I guess I'll wait around and save up till my friend gets out of the military and we room up. I guess it's not that bad living with the parents.
It's not like I'll turn in to come kind of a computer geek that does nothing but play World of Warcraft 25 hours a day and can't stand sun light for more than 15 min at a time. No....Not me.
Damn just think if I ranted this much at work.
Posted by
8:39 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Monday, May 08, 2006
Room for only one
Humm so many things you can say to that title...
Well I just got back from running jogging around a few blocks. I haven't been going out as much as I should be. Well more like wanna be. It's not like I need to be going out jogging. Hell, my mommy asked me before I went out what was it that I wanted to get out of jogging. She said that I was already skinny enough, I told her that "I want legs of steel". Just think of what you could do with legs of steel....Well not much.
So there I am, jogging with my MP3 player on my arm rockin' out to Evens Blue. Not to shabby to say the least. I'm also thinking about all the great things that I could be blogging about while I was out and just how nice it would be if I could blog just by thinking it. That way all my scrambled thoughs would could here and I wouldn't have to spend forever and a day typing them out. Heck, I still need to blog something about this weekend.
blah, I need to get my clothes out of the dryer and take a shower. I'll just go ahead and post this tease of a message. after I do a spell check...
Posted by
9:39 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Good news
It only took me 2 days...
But I got my computer working. I am sooo flippin tired right now. Lets see howI feel tomorrow.
Posted by
1:14 AM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
All is safe in the city
Well at least for now. So yeah, ended up giving her a call today. It was slow today at work so I thought what the hell. Well I called, and get this...Left a message. Well this time I got a call back so all is good.
it would be sooooooo much easier if I could just read minds.
oh well, back to trying to get my computer working right.
More on this later tonight.
Posted by
8:56 PM
Tasty Adult Beverages
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The phone game
Let me start off saying that I hate the Phone Game.
What is the phone game you might find your self asking. Well today is your lucky day 'cause I'll tell ya what. Well It's the game when you call someone and they should, at least in time call you back. Or something like that, so I've been told. Well anyways story is this: There's this chicka I've been talking to the past few weeks. All seems good, right. She calls me, I call her back, or at least a text message or something. Some kind of a proof of life. I do know we work different shifts so when I get off of work she's on her way to work. Well, I give her a call around lunch time or something like that. No answer, so I leave a lil message and think nothing of it. Well, a few hours go by and I got some free time so I send a lil text message. So now she has one voice mail and 2 text messages. All of witch have not been replied too.
So now I am in the yucky state of mind where I'd love to talk to her, see how her day went, win any money, just stuff like that. Though I also don't want to be a pest and bug her with text messages and / or voice mails. I just have been telling myself that she's a busy person and blah blah blha (that last one just wanted to be different). Today I made it a point not to call or send a text. She's a big girl if she wanted to send one she could. I just found myself looking at my cell more than normal. Just seeing if I missed a text or a call or something. Well nada. So now what? Do I call? Do I wait? Do I say "ahh fuck it"? I just don't know.
And it has just been one of those days it seems like. Hell I can't even get my new gift to me working. I got me a new hard drive for my computer, and I can't even get that to work right. Spend all after work working on it. I didn't even go jogging.
yeah this is good enough, it's time for sleep.
Posted by
11:59 PM
1 Tasty Adult Beverages