Friday, November 04, 2005

Rain Rain go away, come again another day.

So lets take a look at what all happened to me in the past two years. Most of this I don't think you'll understand, because I'm just going to put dates.

  1. 07/Feb/2004 -- the start
  2. 27/Oct/2004 -- an end (there are soo many ends)
  3. 28/Oct/2004 -- hey a new start (not always a good thing)
  4. 28/Mar/2004 - 06/Feb/2005
  5. 29/Mar/2004 -- Got out of the military
  6. Wasting my time some some silly girl (not really that big of a deal, bummer none the less)
  7. Oct/2005 My computer died
  8. 1/Nov/2005 -- My truck was stolen

I'm sure there's more to this list. I'll add to it later, I'm tired right now and can't really think of everything.

I think my life had been shitted on enough. I think it's about time that some good things happen for me. Though, I have thought this before and something always finds a way to shoot me down. It happens so much I can almost bet on it.

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