Wednesday, October 24, 2007

i need to

blog more. these little ones from my cell phone just don't seem to cut it. i need to blog from everything from dinner with my brother and his family to cutting metal under water with fire.

see that's just too much for my lil ol cell. but it sure is better than working. 8-)


The Lone Beader® said...

Ha! I do mobile blogs while I'm working sometimes, too... LOL.

Aunt Jackie said...

I can't stand even text messaging on those demonic phones!!! I don't know how you stand blogging on it at all.

whimsical brainpan said...

I would love to hear more about the cutting metal with fire while underwater! How's it going?

DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

anything is better than working but I can't stand texting from a cell phone....It seems like it defeats the purpose of being able to call someone from the same place...Or, simply sit down(which I enjoy handsomely) at a pc and jot down some jibberish....



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